
The Benefits Of Dance As An Athlete To Dance

Satisfactory Essays

They say it takes an athlete to dance, but an artist to truly be a dancer. Dancing is an art form that requires the same physicality as a sport would. A lot of people would disagree that dance is one of the hardest sports to perform, but in the reality of it, a dancer has to be physically fit, mentally strong, all the while wearing a smile and trying their best to make every movement look effortless. Dancers are among some of the most dedicated people anyone will encounter because of their constant sacrifice of personal time, such as of hanging with friends and even sleep. Although some think that being a dancer is not as strenuous as other sports, the advantages and benefits of this type of athlete are more rewarding in the long term versus other sports. The skills a dancer possesses aren’t only used in the dance world, but start and develop from there.
Being involved in dance has benefitted me for the better and I believe it has given me an advantage over other athletes. Dance is not only an art form but also an excellent way to stay in shape and exercise. When you arrive at a dance class, you begin with warm-ups and stretching then proceed to the actual class. Most classes are an hour long, and on average there are about 5-6 classes held each night in each of our four studios. The studio is open every weekday except Friday and there are special classes held on the weekend for the competition team and releve, which consists of three classes for people with special

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