
The Benefits Of Human Genetic Modification

Decent Essays

Should human genetic modification be allowed in today’s society? Many experiments with genetic modification on plants and animals involved trial and error. While there was success in the research, there also existed the cost of many errors. Scientists soon want to move onto the next step – genetic modification in humans. The human aesthetic could soon be in the hands of men. Recent advances in technology and research through other life forms have allowed us to consider this vast advancement in genetic modification. In studies of genetic modification, scientists rarely have 100% efficiency. We need to approach the concept of genetic modification in humans with caution. The magnitude of the advancement is immense; therefore, we need to approach this concept at a gradual pace. If we ignore these precautions, we risk human lives and deformities in the name of science. Exploring the possibilities of genetic modification is important to the future of science.
Rudolph Jaenisch bred the first genetically modified mouse in 1974. Today, millions of mice are used in genetic modification experiments. (Genetic Modified Mice) Rudolph showed that foreign DNA could be integrated into the DNA of early mouse embryos. Despite the success of the transgenic mouse, their results in mice may not breed the same for humans. The mouse is small, making it an economical choice, and it also breeds very well. Therefore, mice were disposable. Scientists can use mice without hesitation because there is

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