
Essay On Children Should Stay At Home

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The question of whether or not to stay home to raise children is one of the most debated issues of motherhood. Endless studies and tests have been perfomed, thousands of surveys have been distributed, and if one were looking for a personal opinion, they would have to look no further than the nearest mother to give them a biased look at raising children. But while the traditional views of mothers as housewives remain alive and well in some areas, the modern working mother has made a successful place for herself in our society, and continues to prove herself to be both a powerful mother and business professional. Although stay-at-home mothers are rewarded with the benefit of helping their child grow, the economic advantages …show more content…

Also, families who have no time for driving their children to their various activities use cabs specifically for children, but by having the mother drive instead, the family is able to save $5,096 every year (Sefton). Mothers at home generally get more accomplished in the household. Necessary tasks such as housework and shopping are able to be accomplished without taking away from valuable family time, unlike the working mother, who is obligated to perform these duties during her off-work hours when she could be spending time with her children. But even though it is financially sound to be a stay-at-home mother, a family receives more income from a working mother and therefore a more comfortable lifestyle. “Two parent families where the mother works have an average annual income of $63,751, $26,000 more a year than households where only the father works. In most of America, this extra income may not seem extravagant, but it helps boost many families onto the verdant green lawns of the middle class, with all the comforts, chances for education and opportunity that provides to children” (Karaim 74). While stay-at-home mothers are saving money, they do this at the expense of their extra money for leisure activities, and are forcing their families to live more frugally than what may be enjoyable. The working mother allows her family to buy what they like, participate in recreational sports and luxuries such as skiing at the resort or going out for

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