
The Benefits of Spanish Speaking Home and English in School Essay

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I was only nine years old, the year 1991. I had to navigate from an English speaking classroom to a Spanish speaking home. From eight in the morning I was given instruction in English by my professors at school. After three in the afternoon at home I engaged in Spanish conversation with my mother, father, and siblings. When the summer vacation came around, it was back to speaking español only, and then I regained the Mexican accent that had faded away during the school year. My experience learning English was different from what earlier Spanish speaking generations in the United States dealt with. In “How to Tame a Wild Tongue” Gloria Anzaldúa writes, “being caught speaking Spanish at recess…was good for three licks on the knuckles with …show more content…

As Anzaldua integrated to American culture she continued to experience discriminatory circumstances. For instance, while she attended “Pan American University” she had to enroll in speech class “to get rid of [her] [accent]” (Anzaldúa 374). Then, when she “taught High School English” she was discouraged by the principal to using Chicano literature in her class (379). On the other hand, the resentful minority group (“Spanish speakers”) expected her not to use the “oppressor’s language” (Anzaldua 375).The impact of all these events, influence Anzaldua to believe that “by the end of this century English, and not Spanish, will be the mother tongue of most Chicanos and Latinos” (Anzaldúa 378). This is important, because Anzaldua writes, “Ethnic identity is twin skin to linguistic identity” (378). If her prediction becomes reality, then most of what surrounds me (and others like me) will disappear. I understand Anzaldua experience a lot during her life time, but her prediction might be base on the “three generation model” that researchers have use in previous studies to predict change in language among immigrant minority groups (Tran 259-260). In this model “language assimilation” seems to follow a pattern. As non-English speakers learned the dominant language (English) their first language was pushed to the side (Tran 260). According to Tran the generation model predicts that in about three generations the language use by the immigrant

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