
The Biological Mother ( Bm )

Decent Essays

Adam is 5-year-old boy with no prior psychiatric care. His biological mother (bm) is in rehab for drug addiction and prostitution. His biological father is no where to be found. Adam was removed from his BM care at age 4. By age 5, Adam had been with two foster families. Adam now is in a stable environment with a foster family who is of upper socioeconomic status. His has been living with his current foster family for a total of 6 months. His foster family is composed up foster parents, foster sister, foster brother and his biological half sister. He attends preschool at Garden Gove. For the most part Adam is a good boy. For the last 4 months Adam has been using inappropriate language at school and talking back to his foster parents. His …show more content…

Furthermore, MSWI has sent an intake referral to the child guidance center for Adam’s fear of abandonment and difficult listening.
Solution Focused Therapy
Considering the risk factors of moving from one family to another and the social context, a solution-focused approach allows for the best consideration. This method will involve communicating with the client, foster family and bm so that everyone can understand how to move forward with Adam’s fear of the dark, inappropriate language, and family reunification with bm. The solution-focused approach will focus on ways of improving the life of the child, as it will enhance the relationship between MSWI and the client [as well as his foster parents and bm]. (Munford, Nash & O 'Donoghue, 2005, p. 21). In this case, Adam’s history, regarding when the Adam was living with his drug-addicted mother, should not be a priority discussion. MSWI believes that what is most important is finding out the reasoning for his bad language, why he is fearful of the dark, and how important it is for the bm to build a relationship with her son so that she can take care of him again. It is important to take the Adam through a brief period of therapy to help in the process of transition (Munford, Nash & O 'Donoghue, 2005, p. 234), if family reunification does happen. If bm or another family member receives full custody of Adam then that family should be able to continue to aid Adam in his

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