It all started one day when out of the blue a rice farmer named John in Asia specifically in the mountains in northern China was tending to his crops and got bitten by a bug that he has never encountered before. Not worried about it he continued to work, but soon enough he started to feel some pain. His arm started to swell, his body began to ache, and his skin started to change color. The bite started to ooze out a yellow pus and it also started to change color to a deep purple . When he got home his wife not knowing what to do, took him down to the local doctor, Dr.Gunj. The doctor examined the farmer and explained to his wife,” I have never seen anything like that before and must take him to emergency room in Hong Kong if you wish to find out what that bite is from.” …show more content…
Sadly by the time they reached the hospital he suffocated and died. The doctors at the hospital prepared first examined his body then put him in the morgue until it was time for him to get buried. Days past and finally the day of his funeral came. When his body was being transported it started to move. The doctors thought it was a miracle until they noticed that he was not responding to anything they said and he attacked them. First he bit the doctor then he bit the nurse. The nurse and doctor became just like the farmer. They had the same
They started CPR before medics took him to Gibson General Hospital where he was pronounced dead.
One day there was an open field, but not just any open field. This field was guarded by a goddess, Nixious (Nix-e-ous) goddess of disease. In this field laid her treasure, a young rancher and her cottage with sheep. This rancher impressed the goddess, and earned the name Simkaxzi (Sim-kah-z). One day, a mischievous young thief came to the ranch to take the sheep flock. As soon as he started to put a lead on one of the sheep’s neck, the goddess awakened. Nixious as furious as ever, and picked up the thief with her mighty grasp. She called Simkaxzi down from her small cottage. Nixious announced “Here is thy thief. Simkaxzi should you be thy one to decide punishment, what would it be.” Simkaxzi replied “Let his family be cursed with a disease
The purpose of Tim Rogers’ essay is to inform the reader about an infestation problem a small village in Nicaragua is dealing with. Rogers opens his essay with an incident that happened to a family, overnight, in the small village. The villagers quickly identify the source of the bite and what caused the bite. After recalling an earlier problem with vampire bats Rogers explains, due to the decrease in animal
It’s been going on for weeks, already over 400 kids have been infected. The floors and wall are a mess, the janitors can barely keep up with them. It’s spitballs galore. There has never been an outbreak like this at Campbell. We’ve only ever heard of these happening.
his meal. The man recognized the tail and shot the monkey, so he could retrieve
I'm not gonna tell everyone how much of a homophobic piece of shit you are
Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood! Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood! Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood!
We used to be like that before things started falling apart. It’s not like you said. This is not like in the books. Coral Island, Treasure Island, Shallows and Amazons – nothing like that! This isn’t no ‘jolly good show’. Things were good at the beginning. We were happy. We began well. Then one thing leads to another and before we knew it, all of it fell apart. And to tell you the truth, I don’t know why. What makes things break up like they do?
Over the years of cinema history, we've heard plenty lines that make our skin crawl with
Tonight’s the night I die, it was a good five years for life but not it is about to come crashing down on me, I think as I lay in my spiderman bed in terror of what is behind my closet doors. The one door being slightly opened creates a window to a new scary world, the boogey world. Mama and Daddy tried to hide it from me but my older brother Tommy told me about the boogeyman that lives in the closest. I have no one else I can trust in the house, if Tommy didn’t tell me about the boogeyman then I would probably be it’s midnight snack. Now I can protect myself, I throw my blankets over my head and create a fort so me and my fellow soldiers can discuss our plan to survive. Mr. Cuddly had the idea to just hide under the blankets till morning,
OK damn man. Ok I’m just going to give you general details. I already told as much as I’m going to tell you about Friday night. On Saturday we party on a boat with these fine ass women, however Luther didn’t go he was too hung over, so we left his ass at the
The rain had just stopped pouring, and we had all gathered in a park nearby, as a makeshift memorial for Johnny. It wasn’t really a funeral, we didn’t have the budget for that, and it wasn’t like his parents cared enough to give him a proper goodbye.
Thank you Humphery for responding to me on the letter I mailed a while back and I am truly sorry to hear about your son Oliver being infected from the Black Plague. I would kind of know how that would feel because my grandparents died when I was only 9 years old. From what my grandparents have told me, who have passed away when i was a young boy that the Black plague was a major virus that was killing off millions of citizens throughout Europe and kept spreading. My grandfather had told me that his brother was traveling with a couple hundred people and he was soon infected and after a couple of days he had passed away. I am sorry I thought that you had lived in a larger and more expensive house because you were telling me
The doctor told the servant to lie to Kino and say he was busy with an elder. When the servant came outside and announced that the doctor was busy, everyone was disappointed and everyone started to go and do their own things again.
DudeTacular It killed my family. It was TheBrokenBone! I was 10 so what could I do, I ran. I ran all the way to my house