
The Black Freedom Struggle Of The 1960s

Decent Essays

This year marks the fiftieth anniversary of many of the most significant events of the Black Freedom Struggle of the 1960s. Two years ago, we celebrated the March on Washington; last year we recognized the 1964 Civil Rights Act that ended Jim Crow apartheid in the South. This year, we have already seen commemorations of the anniversary of the Voting Rights Act, and summer’s end will see the fiftieth anniversary of the Watts Rebellion in Los Angeles.
Yet, looking on the TV, radio, newspapers or social media, it’s easy to forget what decade we’re currently in. The recent cover of TIME Magazine illustrated beautifully the juxtaposition between where people think we are in the context of social and racial equality, and where most positions actually stand. The cover portrays a grainy, black and white photo of a young black man running down the street, face covered with a bandana, away from a mob of police officers with shields, weapons and pepper spray billowing out from their canisters. “America, 1968 2015,” it reads.
That simple text neatly summed up an entire city’s (and race’s) frustrations, riots, and outcries in one neat package. The sad reality is that the majority of the white population in the United States would like to watch movies like Selma or 12 Years a Slave and be appalled at the treatment of Africans at the time, and convince themselves that because they don’t support legal slavery and segregation, they are suddenly no longer racist.
That, however, is clearly

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