
The Black Panthers Party

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The Black Panthers Party “I’ am no longer accepting the things I can not change.I am going to changing the things I cannot accept”-Angela Davis
Black people in the 1960s didn’t walk with prided,they walked with fear for what's gonna happen to them.African Americans weren’t getting medical health care,lived urban areas ,and had a lot of police violence.The police behaviors is what really made African American irritated.The police would jump on them,beat them up,and put a gun to their head. Until 2 junior college students from decided to create The Black Panthers.The Black Panther served as a way to protect black residents and them together.The Black Panthers were founded by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale in Oakland California. When the Organization …show more content…

Everyone was very interested or angied by this group.The Northern side of american could relate to the harsh mistreatment by the Government.A lot of people from the north came out to California to support The Black Panthers.The Black Panthers formed their own headquarter on 12th street in Oakland.Members were coming left and right.So what the Black Panthers did was start sending original members to go to other states and being more members in.The down side to this is that we didn’t know who these people were.
Eldridge cleaver was a exceptional famous writer and a well known activist.He was on the bestseller list on his book,”Soul On Ice “.After getting out of prison ,he joined the Black Panthers about 2 months of when they started.He had a very enormous fan base,that were white and black.Mark Kurlansky states in interview on The Black Panthers Documentary “The panthers have gotten themselves a star” Eldridge had an uncontrollable personality and he liked to take charge.How he be in organization without being the leader

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