
The Blanket Primary in Louisiana

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The Blanket Primary in Louisiana The Blanket Primary in Louisiana is “unique primary system”. The Blanket Primary is also known as a “Jungle” Primary in Partisan elections. The reason it’s called a blanket primary is because the party affiliation is not mentioned on the ballot. The winner of the primary is the candidate who has the majority of the vote. If two candidates have the majority of the vote, they run against each other in a run off regardless of their party affiliation. In Louisiana, there is a possibility that a Republican can run against another Republican if two Republicans happen to have the majority of the vote. The blanket primary was established by Governor Edwin Edwards in the 1980’s. Governor Edwards was a …show more content…

Citizens say all the time that we need to get out of debt, but they do not vote for the parties who have the strongest focus on lowering the National Debt and limiting government spending, instead they vote Republican because they don’t want gays to get married, or the vote Democrat because they agree that women should be able to get abortions and have more rights. A lot of times, these issues don’t even affect the voter personally, yet they hold these issues on high regard simply because of the hysteria we have created around them. I compare the 2 party affiliations with Diamonds. Diamonds are not rare. They are actually very common and are being mined in different countries outside of Africa. Why are they so expensive? Because advertising agencies paid for by the Diamond distributors created such hype that now it is a tradition for American women to have a diamond wedding ring. In the past ten years, they start advertising “the left is from him, the right hand is for me” meaning women should buy a diamond ring for her right ring finger to show her strength and independence. Our opinions are molded by the media and politicians that hire speech writers that know how to work up a crowd. Republicans get all the conservative votes because

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