
The Body Ritual Of The Nacirema Summary

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The Nacirema are a contradictory and private society. Horace Miner, a sociologist, describes them as society that ritualize and routinize their bodily functions. However, the Nacirema is actually a representation of the American society. This is evident in the name Nacirema which is American spelled backwards. Not only that, but Miner states that the Nacirema idolize Notgnihsaw, who founded the Nacirema’s nation and also chopped down a cheery tree who is actually George Washington spelled backwards. Furthermore, it is safe to say that Miller is actually conducting his study on the American Society. In Miner’s essay “The Body Rituals of the Nacirema”, he talks about American Society and their obsession with cleanliness and the up keeping of the human body. That people would go so far as to participate in things they do not like or find uncomfortable to preserve this custom. He speaks from the point of view of an outsider who has never heard of the name Nacirema, and because of this, his readers are able to reflect on the rituals they do every day and yet have never thought of as unusual. …show more content…

The males and females of the Nacirema begin to look for mates at a very young age – around the time their bodies begin to transition from child to adult. They have many standards for a desirable mate but the basic standards are as such; intelligence, athletic, pleasing to the mind eye, and is or has the potential to be wealthy. Once a desirable mate is found, both genders of the society will participate in many rituals to obtain their mate and or prove to be a desirable mate themselves, such as; competing with others to prove their worth, decorating themselves extravagantly to show that they are pleasing to the eye, and lavishing their significant other with gifts to show

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