
The Book Of Genesis Illustrates The Uniqueness Of The Human Person

Decent Essays

The book of Genesis is the first of the five books of the Torah. It is a part of the living word of God and therefore gives us an understanding into the nature, personality and character of God. It also narrates stories of places, events and people arguably focusing on human identity, human relationships and society over a long period while recording the lives of the founding fathers and mothers: Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah; Joseph and his brothers. Their lives are prototypes of our own, in which we face everyday challenges and experiences (meaninful web). This essay will focus on the how the book of Genesis illustrates the uniqueness of the human person.

Genesis, a theological document, draws on our belief in God by observing His Creation. Genesis reminds us that Creation is good, God rejoices over it, God creates in freedom and playfulness, God’s word is creative and we can continue God’s creative work and keep its harmony. This is evident through many bible stories such as Genesis 3: The Garden of Eden story. The fall or perhaps the rise of humanity and the original sin.

It opens the Bible with the story of creation, when God created all things ‘ex nihilo’ (out of nothing). On the sixth day God announced his intent to generate his “own image” with this he creates humanity (Genesis 1:26). He creates man, Adam, out of dust and a woman, Eve from the man’s …show more content…

Genesis 1:27 “…God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” God created us in His own image and resemblance a gift He didn’t give to any other living creatures He created. The human person is unique as it began in God’s image and every person still conveys the image of God. Based on this, the Catholic ethos remains clear that every life both born and unborn is

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