
The Book That I Read

Decent Essays

The book that I read was How to Be Black by Baratunde Thurston. This book talked about African American and whites it was mainly on one man 's experience of being African American Bartatunde Thurston. It pointed out that Black people are a diverse group of people and that there is no such thing as a post racial society it was inspiring. I was very surprised that Thurston can talk about race and have a sense of humor at the same time, with hope and forgiveness. From this book, you can get a real sense of how exhausting it can be to be black in White America. You can learn a thing or two from this book and really enjoy it all in one. Thurston muses on how, generally, to be black in today’s ever changing world promoted in the media how …show more content…

I really liked the part where he talked about his name. How people could not say it right and on how white people would ask what his name meant.

I totally understand where he is coming from because I have the same problem with my name as well. No one can say it correctly unless they are Mexican, and I always get asked where my name is from. I always get ready to correct the person when they say my name wrong, or I just forget about it and just say that’s my name and don 't even bother to correct them anymore.

This book relates to the articles that we have been reading in the pass couple weeks for example, in Rethinking the Color Line article 38. It talked down on darker skinned color people and how they are seen as evil, negative, and going no where in life; as for lighter skin people they are seen as positive and the hard working ones. There was a section that Thurston wrote; “One can rarely miss a day without hearing about some black man killing another black man, or some black husband murdering his wife for trying to divorce him. And white we hear daily reports of blacks being killed, the whites sometimes subconsciously are shaking hands and patting each other on the back for a job well done” (Thurston; 71).

This I feel like is so true, we never hear anything but good things about lighter skin people, but

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