
The Book Thief Power Of Words

Decent Essays

Words hold large value in everyday life, they are among one of the very few ways people connect with one another. Words change a reader's point of view and effect people feelings. The power of words change the reader's thoughts as we read The Book Thief. In every single novel the power of words drives us to keep reading as we travel through fictional or non fictional journeys. Such as in Hunger Games when Katniss and Peeta kiss for the first time. It's gets us wondering will they fall in love? Is their love a scam to stay alive? Or will their love last? These are examples that show us the effect of the power of words. In The Book Thief this theme is displayed many times throughout the book. An example of this is when Hans Hubermann teaches Liesel the alphabet and begins their deep bond, or when Himmel Street was bombed and Liesel sees all her family and friends past away and she describes her emotion through words so we can feel her sorrow. In The Word Shaker, a book Max wrote for Liesel, it says that Hitler did not guns or money, but words as an instrument to take over the world. The theme of The Book Thief the power of words. …show more content…

If Liesel wasn't taught how to read the course of the book would have change dramatically. For example Liesel and Rudy would have never stolen those books which ended up being Liesel’s most important possessions. Books brought Liesel knowledge. Liesel used words to create of refuge for herself while in the midst of Nazism. Liesel also uses words to comfort her neighbors during an air raid, and it’s words in the book Liesel leaves behind after the bombing that establish the emotional connection Death feels to her. The power of words affects not only every single character in the book but also keeps the reader emotionally connected throughout the

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