
The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas Literary Analysis

Decent Essays

John Boyne’s “The Boy In the Striped Pyjamas” is a thoughtful novel about a nine-year-old boy in Nazi Germany, exploring the importance of preserving a child’s innocence, but also the consequences of doing so. Boyne explores questions of the Holocaust book through the perspective of a nine-year-old boy, in order to convey that all men are equal in this world. This novel also explores how knowledge can be a vital thing, but also too much knowledge will bring sadness. The similarity of the two boys is a central theme to the idea, showing us that although two perspectives may clash, deep down they are still the same. Another method is that Bruno is deliberately made innocent – linking back to the idea of similarity – Bruno thought that he and …show more content…

This is a result of Bruno and Shmuel meeting at the fence representing oppression, and discussing their similar physical qualities and birth date. In Chapter 10 Page 109, Bruno found out that “my birthday is April the fifteenth too”, John Boyne deliberately making these two characters similar in order to convey that Bruno and Shmuel are almost identical, ultimately conveying that every person of this Earth are the same. Boyne further conveys this idea when in Chapter 16, Bruno said “I look just like you now, said Bruno sadly, as if this was a terrible thing to admit”, conveying that if he tried to looked like Shmuel, he would easily manage, as the two are similar. It has now become evident that Boyne is deliberately making the characteristics of our two protagonists for a purpose – that being to convey that all people are equal. It is obvious Boyne believes that we should treat all men as equal – and we should follow his views on the people of our world – as they are morally righteous. Even though Boyne’s “The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas” was set in 1944, the concepts and values taught can be applied and used in the modern day. The book being set in the Holocaust serves as a reminder to the consequences of being prejudice to members of our …show more content…

This is a result of Bruno moving into his new house in Auschwitz, and meeting various people who’s dialogue includes literary techniques to convey that they believe that all people should be treated the same. In Chapter 6, page 62 of the book, the family’s maid, Maria, states that “makes me wonder… wonder what he... how he can”, the literary technique of repetition of the word “wonder” conveying that even Maria, being born and raised by the judgemental and racist Nazi Germany, still seeing what the Nazi’s are doing is wrong, implying that she believes that all men are equal. Boyne further conveys this idea when in Chapter 5, page 43, Bruno notices “As they left they stood in a row together like toy soldiers”, the simile which is comparing the Nazi soldiers to toy soldiers conveying that the soldiers do not really believe that Jews are different to Nazi’s, but they instead have been disciplined, under the mercy of their superiors, therefore being compared to “toy soldiers”. Narrative voice also plays a large role in conveying that all men are equal. “The Boy In the Striped Pyjamas” is written in the third person omniscient view, allowing us to compare the thoughts of Bruno and Shmuel. It is shown that Bruno thinks that Shmuel is the same, and Shmuel considers Bruno the same as well, showing that all men are equal. Even though literary techniques may not shape and

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