
The Breakfast Club Sociology

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“Screws fall out, the world is an imperfect place.” –The Breakfast Club. This quote captures the theme of the movie of a flawed society in which cliques override human nature. The Breakfast Club is a timeless movie as it shows a social hierarchy, human intuition, and the inevitable imperfections of life that will always live on our world. The movie begins showing five social classes in detention for different offences. Immediately the troublemaker begins his role by distinguishing the characteristics of the others that group them into their social standing. He starts with the princess, pointing out how she always gets what she wants, then the athlete for his boxing skills, the brain for his obvious intelligence, and lastly the basket case for her strange behavior. In high schools of 2015 you can still make out each of these social factions in this 1984 based high school. We can still distinguish the princess’ with their designer wear that their guardians obviously paid for, the brains studying for the test that’s next week when everyone already knows they’ll do exceptionally, the athletes who everyone can catch working out at every chance possible, the basket case …show more content…

At the start of the movie they are all segregated by rank in the social pyramid, but as it progresses the students talk about their problems in a moment of trust with one another. The princess explains how her parents use her to get back at one another while fighting, the brain tried to commit suicide because of a bad grade, the basket case is a compulsive liar, the athlete can’t think for himself, and the criminal comes from an abusive home. By the end of the movie the group is dancing around and enjoying each other’s company as they broke the segregated barriers and wanted to fit in as a whole. People are still that way; we will still fight for acceptance of others, as it’s human instinct to want to be

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