
The Brutal Journey of Saul

Decent Essays

With the scope and details of a political or social issue it is easy to declare oneself as aware especially after reading a column or two on the subject or after watching a few news reports. The main point of focus is the everlasting struggle for recognition, justice and reparation for the numerous survivors of the Canadian residential schools. Majority of the people are quite aware of the fact that the nation has been trying to remove the native children forcibly from their home and housing them in the educational institutions which are run by the church. A few who have read regarding the abuse and damage which is caused on these students will disagree with the assessment which is constituted by the government (Magtree 2013). They would regard this activity as the most disgraceful, racist and harmful in the history of Canada. However, the focus of the most sympathetic observers was on the sufferings on the students who went through the sexual abuse. The situation was so cruel that it looked as if molestations and systematic rapes were the part of the well-intentioned plan of the racist government of that time. Richard Wagamese has regarded this topic of crucial importance and most of his work both fiction and non-fiction has been focused on the dreadful effects on the former students of those schools. Moreover, he has tried to focus on the hurt and pain which the victims had to pass on to their children. The parents of Wagamese survived the residential school system,

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