
The Cartel : Inside The Rise And Imminent Fall Of The Ncaa

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In The Cartel: Inside the Rise and Imminent fall of the NCAA, Taylor Branch is piecing together pieces of evidence and information about scandals that arose both the NCAA’s perspective as well as his own perspective to show contrast in the controversial findings within the NCAA concerning athletes and leadership. Throughout the entirety of the book, the picture that is being painted by Branch is that the NCAA as well as the institutions are reaping the benefits of intercollegiate athletics. While the "big men” are reaping the benefits of the skill and hard work of the college athletes. The information in Branch’s work not only presents the documents of scandals, but also presents his argument and proof for greed that is overtaking humanity, as well as athletics. The main focus is on the underlying theme of greed. To start out this argument of ultimate injustice and unfair power given to the universities of America and the NCAA, Branch started out the first chapter with a well documented explanation of how or why the academic mission of a quality education are being abandoned in multiple institutions because of pure greed. The first of many example that Branch gives for his argument is the abandonment of the academic mission that each university must holds. In a casual interview setting at University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, Friday answered questions straight up without shame. Friday said that the television crew takes the number one priority when it comes to game

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