
The Case Of A Serious Health Hazard

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Aii is dedicated to manufacturing the highest quality products possible. We take care to insure that only our best leaves the premises. In the event that a product does get shipped out which is of questionable quality, the recall program, as outlined in this manual, will be put into action.
Product recall is indicated when a product we manufacture could represent a hazard to the consumer. Our recall program will effectively remove that product from circulation.
All products manufactured at Aii have production dates, best before dates, and/or lot codes attached to them. All products that are shipped out have the production codes noted on the packing slips. In the event of a problem with any product, we will contact all our customers who …show more content…

A product may be misbranded if:
a) The components of the cosmetics are not fully identified in the statement of ingredients
b) The weight or volume is inaccurate or not declared properly

Recall Terms and Definition

Market withdrawal of a product is the removal or correction from channels of distribution of any product where no legal violations have occurred, or only minor violations that under normal circumstances would not be subject to legal action, e.g. normal stock-rotation practices, incorrect barcode, tampering without evidence of manufacturing or distribution problems, etc.

Stock recovery is a firm’s removal or correction of a product that has not been marketed or that has not left the direct control of the firm. For example, the product is located on the premises owned by, or under the control of, the firm, and no portions of that lot have been released for sale or use.

A product safety investigation is an internal trace of product origin/history prompted by notification by the FDA or a customer or quality control/production personnel that there may be a potential cosmetics quality or physical defect in a specific product. The facts of the investigation will

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