
The Case Of Pfizer / Allergan Merger

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startling aspect of the case is that Ireland is actually siding with Apple and going against the EU. On the flip side when you look at the intricacies of the situation Irish government is showing solidarity with Apple because it is well aware of the benefits of having Apple conducting business in Ireland. The Irish government knows that if Apple is forced to pay back taxes that they will conduct significantly less business in Ireland which would hurt the Irish economy in the long run.
Pfizer/Allergan Merger Pfizer is one of the largest pharmaceutical corporations in the world and is the manufacture of many popular drugs including Advil. On the other hand Allergan is a smaller pharmaceutical corporation based in Ireland known for making Botox. So, in late October 2015 Pfizer was on the verge of acquiring fellow pharmaceutical company Allergan in a $160 billion dollar deal. Pfizer was intrigued about acquiring Allergan because the deal would have allowed Pfizer to relocate its headquarters from New York City to Ireland and in turn benefit from their corporate tax rate lower tax rate. The act of trying to acquire a company in another country with the intentions of moving the headquarters of the newly formed company to the new country is called “tax inversion.” The United States was is well aware of the tax inversion practices of corporations as a means of corporate tax avoidance. So before the Pfizer/Allergan deal could be completed President Obama signed a bill

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