
The Catcher In The Rye Analysis

Decent Essays

Holden Caulfield, the protagonists in J. D. Salinger’s Catcher in the Rye, is one of many rebels in the history of literature. Holden is a 16-year-old boy that failed yet another school. He travels to New York just before Christmas to have one last adventure before coming to terms with his reality. He criticizes the phoniness of the adult world and attempts to escape the corruption that comes with it. Since the beginning of the novel, Holden’s brother Allie represents untouched innocence, which Holden idealizes. Holden wants his innocence and the innocence of others to also remain untouched. Holden’s fantasy of “the catcher in the rye” also shows his disconnect from the reality of adulthood, as he fears the corruption of young minds. Holden also has multiple fantasies of running away which show his attempt to escape the real world and his oversimplified perception of life. Holden’s reaction to the “fuck you” signs shows his effort to shield children, and himself, from the realities of adulthood. In the Catcher in the Rye Holden Caulfield’s main problem is his refusal to accept reality, caused by the fact that he is afraid of growing up.
Holden idealizes Allie, as he is a symbol of everlasting innocence, which Holden unrealistically hopes to achieve. Firstly, Allie symbolizes childhood innocence. Holden wants his childhood to remain untouched much like Allie’s did, showing Holden’s disconnect from what is reality. Holden’s brother Allie died of leukemia when he was eleven

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