
The Catholic Church

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A. Rationale and Preliminary Research I investigated Satan in the Catholic church; who he is and how he is described. I have a previous knowledge of the Catholic faith because I used to attend mass as a child, and because most of my family is catholic and practicing. Satan is a very popular symbol talked about in society, yet what is said does not seem very educated, so I wanted to learn more about who Catholicism states Satan is, from the people who follow the faith.
Firstly, I researched the Catholic church broadly. I found a very dependable source from the official Vatican Church, The Holy See website, which had the Catechism of the Catholic Church using scriptures. The source contained verses from the bible descripting Satan. This …show more content…

Finally, the final article is an online website of easy to find bible verses, called Bible Tools. I searched for Satan a Murderer to find bible verses concerning that, and it also contains explanations of those verses coming from the Church of the Great God.
B. Plan for Study
This investigation will seek to examine how Satan is perceived in the adherents of the Catholic faith. The scope of this investigation will include how Satan is described in Catholicism, by his different names. The plan will be to use different online sources that explain Satan. The Catholic faith has specific names for Satan that will be researched and examined. The names tell how Catholics see Satan and how they view his actions. Many of the online sources will be written by well-known adherents of the Catholic faith (two of Christian faith, but correspond to that of Catholic teachings.) The sources researched and analyzed will explain how Satan is viewed in Catholicism, answering my research question.
C. Summary of Significant Findings In the beginning, Satan was created good by God and to be an angel, known as Lucifer. Satan led other angels to turn against God to have more power over his kingdom. But, “the power of God will always triumph over that of Satan,” (Saunders, Rev. William, 2003). So, God cast the demons and Satan to hell; also found that they were cast back to earth. “The reason the Son of God appeared was to

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