
The Cause And Causes Of The Second World War

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In 1939, the Second World War began as Germany attacked Poland. Britain and France declared war on Germany in response to Germany's invasion of Poland. The Second World War was composed of two main powers. One was the Axis Powers which included Germany, Italy, and Japan. The other was the Allied Powers which included Britain, France, the United States, the Soviet Union and etc. Germany's attack on Soviet Union and Japan's invasion of Pearl Harbor escalated the war and the war became more intensified on a world scale. Because of the Second World War, a lot of countries and people were sacrificed. In addition, all the things concerning politics, economy, society, culture , etc changed due to this war. Historians always argue about historical events, especially argue about the cause and effect. In the case of the Second World War, most of the historians blame for the war on Hitler. They agree that the Second World War occurred on account of Hitler's ambition of ruling the world and his wrong idea devastated the whole world. They thought that Hitler made a plan to conquer Europe or the whole world, and by instigating German people with Nazism …show more content…

It is well known that the Versailles and the reparation problem made Germany's situation worse. However, when it comes to analyzing the war itself, people usually focus on Hitler himself and his many policies. It means that it is usual for common people to regard Hitler as the main reason for the war. Of course, this writer also thought that Hitler should have to bear the blame for the war. Actually, this writer have taken a lot of classes about the Second World War such as "Holocaust", "the World War Two era"~. So I am really accustomed to consider Hitler as ~. But, A.J.P Taylor's view on Hitler and the origins of the Second World War was different from what I used to

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