
The Cause And Effects Of The Pequot War

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What is the Pequot war? How did it begin and what was the aftermath? The Pequot War could have also been known as a massacre. The Pequot war was on May 26, 1637. The Pequot war was a war between the Europeans and the Pequot Indians. The English Puritan settlements had begun expanding into the Connecticut River Valley. The only major problem with expanding the settlement was the Pequot Indians. Though, the feud had also involved other Indian tribes including the Mohegans; the Mohegans, however, shared close relation to the Pequot Indians because they were once apart of their tribe and had later split off. The Pequots and the Indians had disputes involving property, livestock damaging Indian crops, hunting, the selling of alcohol to Indians, …show more content…

This was due to past aggressions by the Pequots and to the influence of Roger Williams. While the Narragansett, and many smaller tribes remained netural, the Mohegan sided with the English and fought the Pequots.” (The Society of the Colonial Wars in the State of Connecticut 2011, paragraph 14). On May 26, 1637, the Pequot village was destroyed and over 500 Indians were killed. The remaining few that survived fled to other villages, and the Pequot leader had been killed. History states, “On June 5, Captain Mason attacked another Pequot village, this one near present-day Stonington, and again the Indian inhabitants were defeated and massacred. On July 28, a third attack and massacre occurred near present-day Fairfield, and the Pequot War came to an end.” (History 2017, paragraph 3). After the war, the remaining Indians that had survived the battle were used for slavery. Subsequently, during the new time for the Indians to be slaves, there were many disputes while colonists sought to settle in America; many women and children were killed because of it. Margret Ellen Newell states,” For some Indians, servitude lasted only until the age of 24. But others were bound to masters for indefinite periods. Indian slaves and household servants appear on census rolls and court records well into the 18th century.” (Newell 2001, paragraph 14). Many of the other

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