
The Cause Of Bipolar Disorder

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Emotions can be very overwhelming. One minute you can be happy, the next you could be crying your eyes out because of life. Some people cannot control when they change emotions, they are like ticking time-bombs set to go off. These are people with bipolar disorder. Bipolar is a brain disorder, also known as manic-depressive illness. It causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, and the ability to do everyday tasks. People with this can have damaged relationships, poor performance in jobs or school, and even attempts of suicide. Scientists have not found one specific cause of bipolar disorder, they believe that it could be caused by many factors. Bipolar disorder tends to run in families, but even if there is a family background, it does not mean you are bound to get it. …show more content…

These states are sometimes called "mood episodes", each one shows a drastic change in a person's normal behavior. A manic episode is when you are overly happy or overexcited, and the opposite is a depressive episode when you are extremely upset, sad, or hopeless. A mixed state is a mixture of both a manic and depressive episode, people could also be explosive, and irritable when in an episode. Not only are moods a symptom, extreme changes in sleep, energy, and behavior also go along with it. If you usually sleep 7 hours and are a generally calm person, if you started getting off and on 4 hours of sleep and started acting very overexcited or snappy...I would be suspect something is

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