
The Causes And Impact Of Child Labor In Developing Countries

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Child labor is a widespread epidemic across the world, more so in developing countries. Child labor is defined as work done by a child under the age of 15, which hinders or damages their physical, emotional, or intellectual growth. Recent Researchers have found, “Child labor is as old as the latest settlements in the Indus Valley thousands of years ago” (Bahree). Instead of being in school growing intellectually, it is estimated that 250 million children worldwide are working to makes ends meet. Whether it be for their family’s sake or because they are being forced to work in fear of abuse, there is no excuse to place children in the workforce. Many sources show similar patterns in research when it comes to child labor, but few have solutions to the widespread problem children all over the world are facing. The need to support their families is one of the many reasons over 250 million children aged 5 to 14 years old are in the workforce. Of those 250 million, an estimated 120 million children between the ages of 5 and 14 are working fulltime (Latif). According to "Chapter 13: Child Labour: Growing up Too Quickly” by Gordon Bruce, “More than half of these child workers toil in hazardous occupations such as agriculture, mining, and construction” (Bruce). Bruce shares very similar views to those stated in the article “Impact of Child Labour on Universalization of Primary Education at District Bannu”. Not only do both articles give the reader the same data on children in the

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