
The Causes And Impacts Of The Avignon Papacy

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Even before the Middle Ages, there had always been tension between the government in the Holy Roman Empire and the Catholic Church. This tension had built over years and years of each trying to become top dog, and be the one true power within the empire. However, during this time national monarchies began to show up, such as England and France. These monarchies outside the empire, were out of its control began to gain their own power. With their newfound power, came even more conflict with the Church. One of the biggest conflicts was between the pope in the Empire and the King of France. These conflicts eventually led to the period of time known as the Avignon Papacy, which lasted about seventy years. The Avignon Papacy was the time during which the pope was moved from Rome to Avignon, just across the river from France. This marked a huge change within the empire, and had several important impacts. These impacts include a loss in Church prestige, the loss of the Roman identity of the Church, as well as a loss of faith in the Church by the people within the empire. The conflict between the Church and the French Monarchy was centered around their desire for control. More specifically, it stemmed from Pope Boniface VIII believing that secular governments should not be able to tax the clergy, or Church revenues without consent from the pope. This matter was not taken lightly, and the pope issued a Papal Bull, the Clericis Laicos making it clear to the surrounding monarchies,

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