
The Cave Allegory

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We experience reality through our five senses; sight, touch, smell, taste, and hearing. These provide us with the ability to experience reality. But with illusion, we use our imagination. The Cave Allegory talks about imagining a cave full of imprisoned people since their birth, facing a blank wall. The prisoners watch shadows of objects passing in front of a fire that is behind them and gives names to these shadows. Now since these people have been chained to the wall all of their lives, the shadows are their reality. Once broken free from the chains, the prisoners are able to see the objects for what they are and discover that their “reality” was not really what they thought. The Matrix is about heroes fighting against sentient machines that try to control the human population because their bodies are used as an energy source. The main character Neo, is a computer programmer and he is drawn into war against the machines. The Matrix is a imitation that creates a false world where people are prisoners from reality, much like Plato’s Allegory of the Cave. Some say that hip hop is a dream while others say it is an illusion. I believe …show more content…

When you listen to hip hop music, the lyrics can make one think about the good things in life. Or should I say the materialistic things in life. It makes the listener dream about having cars, money, and fame when they get older. Some artist give unrealistic dreams to their audience (mainly youth) through their lyrics. The lyrics glorify being a gangster, drugs, and having multiple girls at one time. In America, young boys take an interest in these things and this becomes their dream or goal. These youth gravitates towards what the artist puts out and then believes that they can accomplish what the artist has accomplished and/or get what the artists already has. Not many people make it big in the music industry today, that is why it is no more than just a

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