
How Hip-Hop Music Lost Its Way And Betrayed Its Fans

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Why is hip hop considered an inferior music form? In the discussions of hip-hop, one controversial issue has been that it is a deficient form of music. On the one hand, the minority of people argue that hip-hop is vulgar because of the way it is displayed. On the other hand, the majority of people contend that hip-hop tells a story and should be respected just like any other form of music. Others even maintain that hip-hop is just like any other genre of music so it should not be frowned upon nor praised. My own view is that hip-hop is one of the best forms of musical art there is. It tells the stories of the artists lives and what they have been through. Hip-hop is a valuable musical art form that presents society with the realities of life’s …show more content…

In Brent Staples article, “How Hip Hop Music Lost its Way and Betrayed Its Fans” he claims that “African-American teenagers are beset on all sides by dangerous myths about race. The most poisonous one defines middle-class normalcy and achievement as "white," while embracing violence, illiteracy and drug dealing as "authentically" black. This fiction rears its head from time to time in films and literature. But it finds its most virulent expression in rap music, which started out with a broad palette of themes but has increasingly evolved into a medium for worshipping misogyny, materialism and murder.” Here he is blaming rap, or in other words hip hop, for the things African-Americans are supposedly involved with. I personally think this is one of the most inaccurate statements I have ever read in my life. The type of music should not determine what a person does or acts like. We know the difference between right and wrong. If a certain person does something related to drug dealing or violence, it is on their own terms not because a song talked about it. President Obama said that he loves hip hop music, but he does not always love the message it sends. This is a mutual feeling because I have to admit that some hip hop songs are about stupid topics like money and girls. Some artists like to write about absolutely nothing just to make money. Most artists like to be real with their music and what they say and do not care about the income they get, but more about the knowledge they get out through their lyrics. Staples also states that artists make distracks of other artists and that it causes gang violence. Now, I do agree with this because for the most part it is true. Artists like to talk about a certain other artist that they do not necessarily like in their music instead of telling the person face to face. This then causes problems within the two artists that usually lead to violence, but the music

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