
The Cave: The Allegory Of The Cave

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The “Cave” was told as an allegory, a story that is compared to something similar, but unstated. The “Cave” represents people who think knowledge comes from experience in the world. This is known as empirical evidence. In the cave believers of this type of evidence believe that they are trapped in some type of cave. This cave that they are trapped in this cave of misunderstanding. The shadows are seen as those who believe in this type of evidence and that it guarantees knowledge. If what you see is what you believe, then that is the truth, it is just a shadow of what the truth is. The game shows that some people believe that a person is a master when they have knowledge of this world. Plato showed though that this master knows nothing really and thinks it is absurd to look up to someone so highly in such ways. The escape prisoner is like a philosopher. This philosopher is one who looks for knowledge outside of this cave. The sun then shows us philosophical knowledge and truth. The sun is wisdom. Then there was the return. The other prisoners were scared of knowing all of the knowledge of this world, so when the escapee returned they were shocked. The overall lesson of the “Cave” was that sometimes knowledge is a good thing, but sometimes if someone is …show more content…

They were only really aloud to have their spouse during certain festivals. They were only aloud to have sexual relations with them during the festivals as well. If they had a child during the undesignated time, that child would be killed, because it was not conceived at the right time. The women are also like a guardian of the home, but has limits. When a guardian they are viewed as superior to the man. Women then later are advocated for to have equal education, which is great for women. In a way women are held to a higher power than the man, but in other aspects they are held

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