
The Cay Personal Growth Quotes

Decent Essays

“Change and growth take place when a person has risked himself and dares to become involved with experimenting with his own life,” said Herbert Otto. This quote demonstrates that it takes a person willing to change in order to grow in their character and personality. In The Cay, Phillip’s character reveals that personal growth and change comes from adapting in order to overcome a variety of conflicts and obstacles. Phillip’s character changes and adapts from being innocent, to being afraid, to being independent as he faces various challenges that he must overcome resulting in personal growth.
At the beginning of the novel Phillip can best be described as innocent. When Phillip was packing his bags in order to embark on a voyage to Northfolk, he stated, “So I packed, with her help, and said good-by to Henrik van Boven and the other boys, I told them we’d be gone just a short …show more content…

“You see, Phill-eep, you do not need d’eye now. You ‘ave done widout d’eye what I couldn’t do wid my whole body,” Timothy stated when Phillip had mustered the courage to climb the palm tree and retrieve a coconut without assistance. (Taylor 99) This quote demonstrates the growth of Phillip’s independance because it displays how he was able to gain internal strength in order to accomplish a dangerous, yet rewarding task in order to retrieve a “full” meal on a lonely abandoned cay. He was able to accomplish this task without assistance and does so while coping with his disability. This shows that Phillip is independent because he is able to learn and thrive on the cay without Timothy’s help or guidance. This is significant because it shows how Phillip learned how to adapt to his environment by gaining skills and having a positive attitude set towards survival. Phillip learned how to gain new skills and become independent in order to overcome the challenges and obstacles he faced in order to survive on the

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