
The Challenges Of Academic Career

Decent Essays

Think of when you were a student what were the challenges of your academic career? Many students face academic difficulties that go well beyond what kind of work they do in the classroom. In schools today children are impacted by many things that can hinder their academic career. Some of the problems students face in school today are because of their race, wealth, or distractions outside of the classroom. The movie Coach Carter does a great job of putting the spotlight on problems that children face in school. Coach Carter centers on the Richmond High School basketball and their coach Mr. Carter. Students on the Richmond High School basketball face many challenges that get in the way of them succeeding in the classroom. When Mr. Carter sees the problems his kids are facing he does everything he can to make them better students. On the other hand, when Mr. Carter makes his player sign academic contract agreements he makes the whole community face a difficult decision on what to do about their coach. Coach Carter sheds a negative outlook on race, wealth, the school’s outlook of the students and distractions on academics; while also putting a positive light on the importance of academics and the impact of a student to coach relationship, but this movie can provide a great help to students on how they deal with the problems they face every day in their academic career.
Race has a major impact on what the student does in the classroom, but also with type of schooling they are

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