
The Challenges Of Health Information Professionals

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Health information professionals work in an extremely tumultuous industry. Their responsibilities and workload are constantly being redefined due to the many external pressures, new programs and regulations required of the Health Information Services (HIS) Departments. Many more of these changes are on the horizon for HIS Departments, and organizational restructuring and redefinition of job titles in the coming years is unavoidable. While restructuring, management must take care so as not to burn out employees with too many tasks, responsibilities or simply overworking them.

Change is constant for people who work in health information services. These changes come from federal, state and local reimbursement programs, new legislation, technology updates, information protection regulations and even changes in the demographics (age, disease, insurance, etc.) of the clientele they are servicing. Some of those changes are incremental and might not even be detected by upper management, simply because the new work is automatically absorbed by the organization 's employees. Some of those changes can be sudden and require sweeping changes to the organization that affect the immediate responsibilities of its employees. Although employees might be able to handle larger workloads and responsibilities in the short-term, it is not sustainable. Managers can 't simply add larger workloads and more responsibilities to employees without taking into consideration the effects it will

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