
The Challenges Of The Great Depression

Better Essays

Grace Wortmann
Ms. Meier
English II
24 February 2017
The Challenges of the Great Depression
"In other periods of depression, it has always been possible to see some things which were solid and upon which you could base hope, but as I look about, I now see nothing to give ground to hope-nothing of man" stated Former President Calvin Coolidge during the Great Depression. The Great Depression affected almost everyone in the United States. People had to learn to live on less, and still enjoy life when they could. When the stock market crashed, people were forced to payback their loans that they used to buy stocks. Most people had to sell their belongings in order to get money for their debts. Some people even had to sell their cars and …show more content…

Some people lost everything when their banks failed, which made them lose trust in the banks. Many people quickly became homeless and poverty-stricken. With no government aid to help them, people had to learn how to persevere through this tragic time on their own. Women played a significant role in the Great Depression. While men were out trying to find work, women stayed at home and tried their best to keep the home life as normal as possible. Keeping the home life normal proved to be a very difficult task. Women did their best, but in “1935–1936 the median family income was $1160, which translated into $20–25 a week to cover all their expenses, including food, shelter, clothing, and perhaps an occasional treat like going to the movies. Women “made do” by substituting their own labor for something that previously had been bought with cash or by practicing petty economies like buying day-old bread or warming several dishes in the oven to save gas” (Ware). Women had many ways of being frugal that were used during this time, like “instead of buying clothes or groceries, they sewed their own clothing, baked their own bread, and canned their own vegetables. Some women started home businesses such as laundries or boarding houses” (Appleby 345). Nothing went to waste when times got tough; everything had a use. With close to no “money for new clothes, inventive Americans found new uses for what they already

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