
The Challenges to Human Resource Managers

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Multinational companies have been increasing as a result of various factors, including globalization and an increase in technological development and connection. With the help of IT communication and developments, the world today has become more accessible than ever before. Employment opportunities abound in the form not only of multinational opportunities in any country, but also in the form of online and virtual employment. This presents significant challenges to human resource managers, who are obliged to work in varied environments and with a workforce that is no longer homogeneous by any stretch of the imagination. While challenges are certainly at the order of the day, the correct strategic and policy incentives will attract the highest quality employees, while the concern with determining the requirements of employees will help to decrease employee turnover. In working with a diversified, global workforce, human resource managers have a highly integrated and important function in the globalized company. For this, they need certain competences, including flexibility, decisiveness, leadership, team work, communication, strategic planning, network building, and so on (Czenter, 2002, p. 74). As such, human resource professionals and managers will need to be familiar with the most up to date communication techniques as well as engage in continuous learning to ensure that they update all relevant information in a timely way. Of course the most important task of human

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