
The Characteristic Of Odysseus As A Heroic Hero

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Odysseus has proven himself to be quite heroic With many events and characteristics. With his cunning resourcefulness, outstanding bravery, and excelling strength and fighting tactics it’s hard to not consider him a hero. The Characteristics that odysseus showed throughout the story are still valued today. But these characteristics are shown in different ways today. Resourcefulness and quick thinking are still highly valued today whether it’s in a job or out on the street having good wits can help you go extremely far in life. Dedication and determination are important things to possess in today's world it helps getting far in life and is something many people want to have. Bravery is also another important characteristic to have whether it’s the bravery to stand up for something you believe in or whether it’s being able to face your problems no matter who or what they are. Strong and fighting tactics aren’t as important as they were in the odyssey they can still come in handy and is something valuable in the military. First and foremost, odysseus was extremely resourceful and had outstanding wits. Shown in many different places throughout the story one of the most important being in the beginning of the book with the Trojan war odysseus and his men we’re losing the war and he knew that they couldn’t fight much longer so we came up with a plan later known as the Trojan horse which allowed Odysseus and his men to get inside the walls of Troy which led to the fall of Troy. Another important example is In polyphemus’s cave odysseus knew that he and his men could not move the boulder blocking the doorway so he would have to get the cyclops move it. He come up with the plan to get Polyphemus drunk so that he and his men could stab out his eye which would cause him to move the border. Odysseus also shows his wits in the way he speaks which causes many people to respect and to help him on his journey home. On that note, odysseus showed great bravery on his journey home and once he reached home. On his way home he went all alone to retrieve his men that Circe turned to animals. He also showed bravery when he Traveled to the underworld to speak to a prophet that would tell him h how to get home. It takes a

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