
The Cheating Of Art In Ultima, By David Hockney

Satisfactory Essays

Seeing David Hockney speak about his book was very interesting to me. Watching him speak about his ideas opened up my mind and made me even consider different ideas. Hockney argues that it is very possible that many artists discover the type of techniques that he does. Hockney spoke of a very interesting topic. This would generally be a subject that wouldn't brought to my attention, but this discussion made me think of things in a totally different way. I believe it is near impossile to cheat when it comes to making art. The only possible way I can decide on when it comes to cheating in art is taking credit for art that isn't yours. I consider tracing as a means to using tools and resources to yuor advantage. I dont consider tracing as cheating. As with anyone accesing tools for their work, artists shouldn't be expected to not have access to such tools. …show more content…

Artists shouldn't be defined by the way they achieve and create art. When one really thinks about it, it would be nearly impossible to create most types of art with free handing. Ultimatley, I found this topic incredibly fascinating. David Hockney touched on some very interesting points and made it very eye

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