
The Chicano Youth Movement

Decent Essays

I think young people across the United States are and will continue to form coalitions to push for the rights of young people. The undocumented youth movement, for instance, has overwhelming support by the entire nation. The children of immigrants born in the United States of America often support undocumented people in this country. Even though they themselves have the privilege to have been born in this country their own parents may be residing in this country without proper documentation. Also a lot of folks that are in this country “legally” have helped undocumented folks because they may be friends, family, co-workers, classmates, etc. They have also formed coalitions with other similar groups around their city, state and the country in …show more content…

For instance, the student walk-outs in protest of trumps presidency and legislation can be compared to the L.A blowout of the late 1960’s. Both groups are mostly comprised of Mexican-origin youth, but also includes the involvement of youth of all different races and ethnicities. Chicano youth also were constantly advocating to be able to obtain better and higher education, which is a fight that is continuing to this day. They are fighting to increase resources for youth of color as well as undocumented students. Chicanos had also fought for the inclusion of more Mexican-origin teachers and administrations at the school level and representation is still an issue that students are pushing. They not only want representation among the teachers that are teaching them but also the curriculum they are being taught needs to be diversified and include the histories of all people living in this country not only white folks. The Chicano movement also put a lot of effort into supporting local leaders running for city, state or national positions to improve representation for Mexican-origin people and have their issues voiced and try to have legislation passed. They do this through similar methods that Chicanos utilized in the 60’s such as going to houses and directly talking to people, creating petitions, going on marches and so

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