
The Church : The Meaning Of The Church

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“Just going to the church doesn’t make you a Christian, any more than standing in your garage makes you a car” (Chesterton) and to be completely honest I never pondered what the specific meaning of our church is, but what I know is that every time I hear the word church I always think about the people that serves and follow its rules, values and norms. The church helps its members to remain guided to do their role or mission and to direct our belief and behavior. For some it may be our “trademark” as Catholics or it can also be the moral foundation of our society. Without moral rules there is disharmony, division and chaos and our church is one of the foundation where we base our ideas of what is right and wrong, what we expect from humans are, what actions are seen as unlawful or disapproved and what sins are considered punishable. As Catholics we are to act responsibly in accordance to the values of the Kingdom of God with the needs of the world to be our reason to be motivated to strengthen our faith and help others expecting nothing in return. The church is justified by the wrong doings of its members just like what G.K. Chesterton wrote in The Everlasting Man: “The church is justified, not because her children do not sin, but because they do” for we are expected to avoid sins. But having evil members does not mean an evil church, its parts does not define the whole. So every action we make and every decision we take it reflects upon the church, on its effectivity in

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