
The Civil Rights Movement And Gay Pride Essay

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Often when we think of American civil rights history, we picture the African American struggle for equality; we think of famous court cases like Brown v. Board, a milestone in ending segregation in public schools; we think of Dr. King and the NAACP’s efforts to organize the black community through speeches, boycotts, and peaceful protests. But often times, when we discuss civil rights history in classrooms we tend to overlook the discrimination faced by other minorities and their separate movements towards social equality. One of the minority groups that came into prominence during this tumultuous time were homophile activists who advocated for an assimilation of gays into society, and relied mostly on pacifist tactics. It wasn’t until the summer of 1969, in a Greenwich Village tavern, where a series of protests served as a catalyst to inspire gays to join together in the fight against inequality through more radical means; thus setting into motion the beginnings of modern American LGBT rights activism and Gay Pride. Before this major shift in gay rights activism, during the Great Depression, several experimental programs, collectively known as The New Deal, created new jobs; and thousands of Americans came flocking to the capital in search of work. Many of these citizens were gay folks hoping to escape conservative small town life, and find acceptance, and a community in a more liberal urban setting. But this life of relative comfort for gays came to an end during the

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