
The Civil War And The End Of Reconstruction

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After the Civil War, following the Compromise of 1877 and the end of Reconstruction, the protection for the rights of African American ended if there was any. Southern States had moved to impose a system of segregation on nearly all areas of life. New laws that required segregation that stirred “separate but equal” doctrine that disenfranchise African Americans for almost six decades. It is hard in this days and age to be able to imagine segregation as a law, but the remnants just change form and name. A petition file on June 7, 1892, in the supreme court Louisiana by a local shoemaker named Homer Plessy against Honorable judge John H. Ferguson. His filling set a test case to challenge Separate Car Act that prompt Plessy v. Ferguson case perhaps one of the most noticeable actions to nullify “separate but equal” doctrine. Homer Plessy was arrested and put in jail for sitting in the white only train car of the East Louisiana Railroad. He was one-eighths black and seven-eighths white, but under Louisiana law, he was considered black due to the hints of black blood, and was therefore required to sit in the "colored" train car. Even though the companies of the cars opposed to law due to expenses of maintenance of separate cars and lose of black customers White dominated state legislature move to make segregation mandatory and ensured that African American barred from challenging the "separate but equal" doctrine. However, the main reason segregation prevailing in the south is a

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