
The Client And Plienter Architecture: Client And Server Architecture

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Definition –
The client and server architecture is a distributed application that divide the tasks between the entities that provides the resource or service, called servers, and the entities that request for a service, called clients. Fundamentally, clients and servers are two software entities where one software is fulfilling the request of another software entity. The client machine request for the service and the server machine interprets the request message received from the client machine. In order to fulfill the request of client machine, the server may have to refer various knowledge domains, process data and sometimes make an additional request to another server. The client and server may reside on the same machine or sometimes lie …show more content…

In client server architecture, the file server is replaced by the database server. Using a relational database system a user query can be answered correctly and directly. This architecture reduces the network congestion by providing a query response rather than total transferring of file. This architecture is a request response message pattern. To communicate the clients and servers must have a common language and they must agree on the same set of rules so that both of them exactly knew what to expect. A server have several requests to process but a server can process a limited number of requests at a time for this various scheduling algorithms are used to prioritize the requests.

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Characterstics of Client-Server Architecture –
We have listed the four fundamental characteristics of Client-Server

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