
The Code Of Student Conduct

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Denison University, along with almost every other college and university across the country, is a place where people will be raped. The grim truth of the matter is that there is no remedy a school can implement within its policies to undo the damage that rape culture has already done. Erasing sexual entitlement will require a greater societal effort, beyond the scope of a single Code of Student Conduct. Still, Denison owes its students sound policy within the Code of Student Conduct that suitably treats sexual assault, both before and after an attack has taken place. The issue the document suffers most from is a lack of specificity, which allows the potential for criminal behavior to go improperly penalized. To fix these failures, …show more content…

In a small way, this is the school shirking recognition, of which campus sexual assault is desperately lacking. It is the dead link, however, that frustrates me the most. The dead link has been unamended for as long as I have been working with the document (a number of weeks). This reflects a true lack of concern with recognizing sexual assault by the University. Our administration is either ignorant of the document’s functionality, or simply does not care. I am not sure which concerns me more. With the parties surrounding Greek events on campus, there is no doubt that assaults have occurred at Denison since I first familiarized myself with the Code of Student Conduct. If it is just plain ignorance, this section of the document has likely not been consulted in the past several weeks, reflecting an environment where people feel too uncomfortable to report assaults to the school. However, if victims have been reporting, than the administration is unwilling to streamline the accessibility of this information. In either case, the existence of this problem is unacceptable. The second obligation I would like to discuss is punishment and the protocol the school provides for dealing with individuals found guilty of committing assault on campus. As demonstrated in the previous paragraph, the Code of Student Conduct refers us to the Policy Prohibiting Sex Discrimination, stating

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