
The Cold War And The Soviet Union

Decent Essays

The Cold War period represented a breaking point for real and potential threats against the US hegemony in Latin America. The US and the Soviet Union had a power struggle for almost all the last half of the twentieth century, and even if the political and military tension was between those two blocks, the poor relationship’s collateral damage reached the rest of countries in the American continent with the anti-communism US foreign policy.
From Eisenhower to Reagan, US administrations aimed to maintain their territory and population safe without compromising its empire figure. Most of the policies and decisions made during the Cold War period can be understood under the Realism theory, as the presidents and other relevant parts of the government such as the CIA engaged in different activities to stop the potential world domination of the communist block, even if it meant the dead of thousands of Latin Americans under repressive and military governments.
One of the areas that suffered the most was Central America. The key close location to the US territory, its politic-economic weakness, and the financial relevance of the Panama Canal and companies such as the United Fruit Company forced some administrations to put special emphasis in foreign relations at the isthmus. Local elites, military groups, and the conservative wing of the church enjoyed the additional attention and aimed for support from the US to maintain the status quo.
US support reached a new level in 1954 at

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