
The Cold War Was A State Of Political And Military Conflict

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The Cold War was a state of political and military conflict that tested the vigor and fortitude of a multitude of United States presidents. Throughout the Cold War, various different strategies and foreign policies were tried and tested by US presidents. However, the environment in which these policies operated in did not stay consistent. Correspondingly, the Soviet Union’s potency fluctuated consistently, meaning that during some periods the “Red Scare” was not nearly as threatening as others. The ever-changing state of affairs throughout the Cold War was spawned from a number of reasons, including both the belligerency of what was then the current Soviet administration and the acting effects of previously implemented American foreign …show more content…

Under these circumstances of “effectiveness”, Harry Truman’s foreign policy method was - relative to its situation - the greatest contributor to the resolution of the Cold War due to its initial results and the more malleable environment it provided for the eras following it.

Harry Truman, upon entering office, was met with a foreign policy maelstrom that dwarfs the environment Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan operated in. For starters, whilst American forces were finishing the Pacific War with Japanese forces, the Soviet Union had already begun extending its communist influence to eastern Europe. Most notably, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, and Albania all fell to communist control. Furthermore, the new soviet-controlled East Germany erupted fears of a potential communist foothold for western european expansion. Advocates for a pro-capitalist western europe warned against the Soviet Union, including Winston Churchill who noted, “...from Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the continent.“ The communist threat continued the expansion of its regime, going as far as to seize control of Czechoslovakia and attempting to extend influence to Iran and Turkey. Moreover, in Asia, a Chinese civil war between nationalists and communists raged on following the conclusion of WWII. However, the KMT (nationalists) were

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