
The Color Of Love By Danzy Senna Summary

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The Color of Love by Danzy Senna
The Color of Love by Danzy Senna is about many things. Race, ethnicity, pride, prejudice, life, death, cruelty, and kindness. It discusses at great length the difference between varying generations, describing, comparing, and contrasting the lives of two women who are at the same time very similar and very different. One thing The Color of Love does not do, however, is discuss the subject for which it is named for: the color of love.
The Color of Love does talk about familial love, with Senna particularly focusing on the path necessary to reach it. She describes the differences between herself and her grandmother, describing the anger she felt for her throughout most of her life, and her long-going inability to understand or break through to her. She discusses the turning point she had in her relationship with her grandmother, the moment when they began actually caring and treating one another like living people, rather than characters in a movie or play. When Senna writes about her fledgling relationship with her grandmother as an adult, the reader is able to witness the continuing differences between the two women, but also their desire to move past …show more content…

I expected something poetic, artistic, describing the many ways that love can be seen, viewed, or felt, and the ability of love to represent far more than most people expect. I expected lines such as, ‘When she was sad, her love was a rainy-gray, but when she was happy, it shone out of her robins-egg blue’. Instead, what I received was an interesting story with seemingly no connection to the title. The closest lines to the ideas presented by the title was the description of Senna’s anger as red, and the grandmother’s face was ashen gray. These descriptions are nothing extraordinary, however, as anger is often described as red, and most ill people would have gray

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