
The Color Purple Patriarchy Analysis

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The Patriarchy teaches that a woman is to be a servant. She is to be used for cooking, cleaning, and breeding. She is to be modest, but sexual. She does not think for herself. She does not resist. She does choose to do sexual things, but is the willing victim of them. Yet three women in The Color Purple do not follow those rules. They do not bend to the gender roles that are placed upon them. Sofia does not become subservient to Harpo, no matter that the role of the woman in the Patriarchy is to do so, as she refuses to bow to his will over her own. Shug chooses to be a sexual creature, not an object for the Patriarchy to objectify without consent, but someone that embraces her desires and sexuality. Even Celie grows to be free from the binds …show more content…

Her rebellion from the Patriarchy comes from her decision to be independent. While it was Shug that encouraged her to be a seamstress, Shug could not force Celie to be one. Shug could not force Celie to do anything that would make her happy, as happiness was a choice Celie would have to make for herself. By choosing, by making the decision herself and not letting anyone but her choose it for her, she sets herself free. She does not allow Mr. _____ to choose for her. Shug does not choose for her. It is Celie that decides to leave, to first go to Tennessee and then back to Georgia to take over the land that is rightfully hers, to be a seamstress that does not have to depend on anyone for money or anything else, having learned to stand on her own feet. Her choice to be independent is what leads to her happiness. When Celie writes that “Matter of fact, I think this the youngest us ever felt” (pg. 251, The Color Purple), she is referring to how the growth, of how the establishment of her own independence, has made her happier than she has ever been in her life. She didn’t need a man to make her happy. She had to choose to let herself be happy, to be free. Celie undercuts the ideas of the Patriarchy because she does not allow a man to define her happiness or independence, but creates it for

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