
The Color Purple Research Paper

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The Color Purple: The Opposition of Gender Roles

The breaking of gender roles in The Color Purple shows how women in that time took steps toward equality for women. Alice Walker shows the flaws in gender roles through the characters' marriages, lifestyles, and experiences,

Before movements like the Women's Suffrage in the early twentieth century, and the rise of women in the workplace in the seventies, there were specific gender roles for men and women. Gender roles are heteronormative, meaning that they cater to gender binary. Traditional gender roles only acknowledge the dynamic between heterosexual men and women. There were set roles; these roles made the gender dependent on one another. Married women were to cook, clean the house, have …show more content…

Shug Avery was a juke joint singer, Mary Agnes was a juke joint singer, Nettie was a teacher, and Celie made pants. This was different from other women who catered to gender roles because their job was to clean the house, cook, have children, raise the children, and keep their husbands happy. Also, women who catered to gender roles were most likely forbidden to work by their husbands. Another way the women in The Color Purple were opposite of gender roles was that they did yard work and construction. In the book, Celie plows the fields for Mr.__. The book talks about Sophia repairing a roof. The women in The Color Purple were also outspoken. Sophia is one of the most outspoken women in the book. For instance, when the mayor's wife asked Sophia to be her maid, Sophia responded, "Hell no" (Walker53). The women have many lovers. For example, Shug had an affair with Mr.__, had a relationship with Celie, married Grady, and had a much younger boyfriend near the end of the book. Sophia was married to Harpo, but she dated Buster while she was still married. Some …show more content…

Walker's book showed that the breaking of gender roles improved everyone's lives. Gender roles in one of the reasons why Harpo and Sophia's marriage was unstable. Harpo felt the pressure from his father and society to dictate his relationship with Sophia when really all he wanted to do was love her. Sophia took offense to his attempts to control her. The book also shows that gender roles was flawed for poor people. Even though the man was supposed to be the provider and do the hard labor, if he was poor, he would need his wife to work in order to keep the bills paid and the children fed. Gender roles were also flawed when it came to people of color because most women of color were working to maintain their households. Walker's book also destroys gender roles through the homosexual instances in the book. Gender roles are heteronormative. Therefore, it does not work in a homosexual relationship. Shug and Celie helped each other, but they did not need the system of gender roles to survive. They were both independent in their own way.

Alice Walker's The Color Purple represents the flaws in gender roles by showing the characters opposing them. Gender roles did not allow independence for women and put

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