
The Columbian Exchange And The Columbian Exchange

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In 1492, one of the most important exchanges in our history began. At that time, there was a need for spices and tradable goods and supplies. There were some people who just wanted a direct route to the trade supply in Asia, and there were others who wanted wealth or to spread the word of God. Christopher Columbus believed that the world was in fact round, but he was unaware the actual size of the planet. He sailed west in search of the East Indies, however he reached the Caribbean Islands of the Americas instead. By this accidental encounter with the foreign islands and people, Christopher started the Columbus exchange. The exchange was widespread throughout Europe, Africa and the Americas around the 15th and 16th centuries. In the trade, many things were introduced to all three continents. Examples of those things were ideas, people, plants, animals, technology, etc. The exchange affected the Old World and the New World very differently. Europe had definitely benefited the most, while others weren’t quite so lucky.

Europe had been affected by the Columbian Exchange greatly. They had gained so much from it. Potatoes, maize (corn), pumpkins, turkey, vanilla, cocoa and many other foods were introduced to Europe through the exchange. With these new foods, the europeans diets improved tremendously. Their better diets helped make them healthier than before which ultimately increased their lifespan and caused less infant deaths. Not only did their lifespans

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