
The Columbian Exchange

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One of the most memorable landings of the Americas is the landing of Christopher Columbus in the Bahamas on October 12, 1492. This landing was the first of many that brought about the age of exploration into the Americas. The age of exploration, however, brought other things into the Americas, but not all of them were beneficial. This event is now known as the ‘Columbian Exchange’. It brought over many exotic fruits, vegetables, livestock, and along with the beneficial items, death and disease were brought along with it (McNeill). These diseases destroyed the native populations and created a need for African slaves to work in mines and on sugar plantations as early as 1511.
Plantation slavery is the “economic system in which slave labor was used to grow cash crops such as sugarcane, tobacco, and cotton on large estates” (von Sivers 578). Since plantation slavery was the most prominent source of income during these times, the slave’s involvement in plantation life was paramount to the continuation of income. According to Patterns of World History, around 11 million African slaves reached the shores of the Americas but these numbers were not a definite due to the exclusion of Africans that were killed in the raids and wars (von Sivers 578). Some historians believe that over four million slaves were delivered to the Caribbeans, with around seven million slaves being split between the South and North American plantations (“History & Memory.”).
The treatment of slaves could be

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