
The Common And Fatal Genetic Disease

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Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is the most common and fatal genetic disease currently in the United States, affecting roughly 30,000 Americans each year (National Human Genome Research Institute, 2013). CF is an autosomal inherited disease that adversely affects the mucus and it’s production throughout the entire body. Mucus is normally a slippery substance that lubricates and protects vital organs and body systems including the lining of airways, reproductive system and digestive systems. Patients who are diagnosed with CF actually have mucus that is abnormally sticky and thick, which places them at a high risk for severe pulmonary, digestive, and reproductive problems. Specifically regarding the pulmonary system CF patients often develop clogged airways, leading to bacterial infections and breathing abnormalities such as chronic coughing, wheezing, inflammation and lung damage. As a result of this recurrent and problematic, this places the patient at an increased risk for permanent lung damage and disease. Over time due to recurrent, chronic lung infections the characteristic of the lungs begin to change as more and more scar tissue develop making them fibrotic and develop cysts. Next is the digestive system due to the build up of mucus within the ductal system within the digestive track, it prevents needed digestive enzymes to aid with digestion and affects the production of insulin through the pancreas. Lastly, in terms of the reproductive system particularly in adult males

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